Ideas for This Life and (Maybe the Next)

June 2, 2008

Test on WordPress

Filed under: School, Stress — Tags: , — thegoodlife21 @ 4:00 am
This is a test post for WordPress. Previously, I have been using Blogger, but frankly I was tired of having to login to a different google account (the one I use for blogger is not my main account) to blog (that it added to my lethargic resistance to more blogging). I know it seems like a shallow reason, but hey, I want to start blogging again, and it looks like wordpress has its act together (even more impressive than google’s blogger though I do miss the drag and drop re-arrangement). Anyways, I hope to update this blog more often and when I have time (like after SAT’s on June 7th) I will probably change the style of the blog also (though I wouldn’t rule out any late night/like now midnight updates when I get tired of studying). In case you haven’t noticed, my use of parantheses has grown even more generous after repressing said urge with my five month stop in blogging and forcing myself to write formally for school.

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